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MERCK默克 Superspher 60 RP-Select B 液相色譜柱


MERCK默克 Superspher 60 RP-Select B 液相色譜柱
原裝德國默克 Superspher 60 RP-Select B 液相色譜柱
原裝德國默克 Superspher 60 RP-Select B 液相色譜柱


原裝德默克 Superspher 60 RP-Select B 液相色譜柱 

Superspher® RP-8 is a reliable and versatile traditionally produced spherical silica gel carriers with C-8 reversed phase properties. They are well suited for the separation of neutral, acidic and weak basic compounds. This high performance silica carrier with a particle size of 4µm yields an excellent pressure/separation performance ratio. This  sorbent is packed into a LiChroCART® 250-4 HPLC cartridge. The connection to the HPLC system is being accomplished by use of the manu-CART® NT cartrige holder (1.51486).



  Superspher 60 RP-Select B;柱長 10mm;內(nèi)徑 2mm;粒徑 4μm;產(chǎn)品說明 保護柱1.50205.00013支/盒
  Superspher 60 RP-Select B;柱長 125mm;內(nèi)徑 2mm;粒徑 4μm;產(chǎn)品說明 微徑柱1.50197.00011支/盒
  Superspher 60 RP-Select B;柱長 250mm;內(nèi)徑 2mm;粒徑 4μm;產(chǎn)品說明 微徑柱1.51308.00011支/盒
  Superspher 60 RP-Select B;柱長 75mm;內(nèi)徑 4mm;粒徑 4μm;產(chǎn)品說明 快速柱1.50974.00013支/盒
  Superspher 60 RP-Select B;柱長 125mm;內(nèi)徑 4mm;粒徑 4μm;產(chǎn)品說明 通用分析柱1.50975.00011支/盒
  Superspher 60 RP-Select B;柱長 250mm;內(nèi)徑 4mm;粒徑 4μm;產(chǎn)品說明 通用分析柱1.50973.00011支/盒
  Superspher 60 RP-Select B;柱長 125mm;內(nèi)徑 3mm;粒徑 4μm;產(chǎn)品說明 半微徑柱1.50791.00011支/盒
  Superspher 60 RP-Select B;柱長 250mm;內(nèi)徑 3mm;粒徑 4μm;產(chǎn)品說明 半微徑柱1.51288.00011支/盒


MERCK默克 Superspher 60 RP-Select B 液相色譜柱

MERCK默克 Superspher 60 RP-Select B 液相色譜柱


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